It's hard to even think about the loss of the building when there has been a loss of life. But I find myself mourning the loss of the house and it's contents. That house was central to so many of my best memories, and it has always been a physical reminder of the friendships that I developed through Pi Kappa Alpha. I welcome everyone to post their memories of the house.
Glenn Tope has generously volunteered to loan one of his rental houses in Bel-Ridge to the fraternity as an interim chapter house. We have already started to discuss the rebuilding of the house, which definitely will happen. We are planning on establishing a fund for the guys to help them get established in the interim house and help refurnish a new house once it is built. I will send more info on the fund once we get it set up.
All of the trophies, pictures and composites were lost in the fire. It's going to take some time, money, and effort to recreate as much of this as we can. If any of you have pictures or composites that you could donate or allow us to copy, send me an email or post a response.
What are your feelings about the house?
Glenn Tope has generously volunteered to loan one of his rental houses in Bel-Ridge to the fraternity as an interim chapter house. We have already started to discuss the rebuilding of the house, which definitely will happen. We are planning on establishing a fund for the guys to help them get established in the interim house and help refurnish a new house once it is built. I will send more info on the fund once we get it set up.
All of the trophies, pictures and composites were lost in the fire. It's going to take some time, money, and effort to recreate as much of this as we can. If any of you have pictures or composites that you could donate or allow us to copy, send me an email or post a response.
What are your feelings about the house?
Doug Haldeman
Alpha Phi- '91
Our deepest sympathy goes out to you guys and Brian's family. Jim and I would be more than willing to help you out in any way we can. I do have a "2000" composite which anyone is more than welcome to. We love you guys, your in our prayers. Jim & Alex Weston
I am deeply saddened to learn that I lost a brother yesterday. I know that I have not been actively involved since graduating but the bonds of phi phi kappa alpha still run deep in my heart. My sincere sympathies go out to the active chapter and all Zeta Phi alumnus.
In the bonds, Dwight Elmore (Alpha Sigma Pledge Class 1990)
I visited the chapter as a consultant with the International Fraternity in the 1996-1997 academic year. My condolences go out to Brian's family and the chapter.
In the Bonds,
Joe Welsh
Delta Rho '92
I didn't know Jim but my heart still pains at the thought of losing a brother. I think that its great what you guys are trying to do. Jim, his family, and the Zeta Phi Pikes are in our hearts and prayers here at Iota Gamma Chapter Nebraska-Kearney.
In the bonds of Phi Phi Kappa Alpha,
Eric Hinze Iota Gamma
For all brothers of Zeta Phi chapter and especially the family of our fallen brother, my thoughts and prayers are with you. Your Canadian brothers are thinking of all of you in this very difficult time.
In the Bonds,
Andy Dennett, Kappa Mu '01, Wilfrid Laurier University, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada
My heart goes out to the Schlittler family, and all that were close to Brian. IF there is anything that I can do to help out please let me know. I am also trying to dig up some old Pike stuff for the new house.
My deepest sympathies go out to the Schlittler family, and to the Zeta Phi brothers. You will all be in my prayers.
In the bonds,
Nic Ward
Theta Pi '02
University of Alabama-Huntsville]
All i can do is send deep sympathy and condolance gentlemen- I am sorry for your loss, and hope you can get through all of it okay.
In the bonds,
Leland Grant
Zeta Iota Chapter
Xi Class '00
I was an Alpha Xi Delta member at UMSL in 1997-1999. I have fond memories of the Pi Kappa Alpha brothers and of the house. My deepest sympathies go out to all that mourn Brian's death. I have photos from my days spent there and will gladly forward. We have lost a brother before, and loosing Brian is just as heart-breaking...
Lisa Frieberger
Alpha Xi Delta UMSL
Santa Monica, California
I was so saddened to hear about Brian's tragic passing. My prayers go out to Brian's family. As a recent parent, I can't imagine the pain of losing a child.
Brian, we never met, but rest in peace.
Phi Phi Kappa Alpha,
Van Watkins (Alpha Upsilon, 1990)
After such a dark shadow has been cast over the Schlittler family, Brian's friends and the our fellow brothers it is hard to find our way in such darkness. Drownding in our own tears and feeling of helplessness it is hard to believe that our way to salvation can be found in the heart of our fallen friend. Brian's heart shined on his family & friends through his life and now his heart shines on us all after his death.
Brian believed in the importance of virtue and committed to living the values of the Pi Kappa Alpha Fraternity. He recognized that truth is the foundation of all lasting association and he sought wisdom and knowledge while serving others in modesty and dignity.
Recalling that Pi Kappa Alpha is a lifelong commitment, I therefore reaffirm to live my life with honor and courage seeking the inherent worth in each person I meet; to accept all brothers of Pi Kappa Alpha in love and friendship; and to serve my faith, my family, my community, my alma mater, and my Fraternity.
Only then, by living these virtues, will we realize our fullest potential.
In the Bonds of Phi Phi Kappa Apha
James R. Henderson (Beta Rho, 2001)
I was deeply saddened to hear of this tragedy - I am a DZ from UMSL (1993-1997) and like Doug, some of my best memeories are of the Pike House. I am also The Greek Advisor at Kent State University, and live daily with the fear that my Greeks here will face the same tragedy someday.
My heart goes out to you,
DZ love and Mine
Beth (Titlow) Gittons
Delta Zeta - Iota Xi 1993
I visited the chapter during the international convention in St. Louis. I am deeply saddened to hear of the loss and I wanted to let you all know that our prayers are with you. I have pictures I took of the house while I was there, if they would help in any way I'd be happy to send them, my email is tdavis05@unm.edu if you all want to email me an address of where to send them.
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