Pi Kappa Alpha Brothers,
Early this morning we lost our brother, Brian Schlittler. Brian was 25 years old and was in his last semester of his senior year. I'd like to speak for the alumni and extend our sympathies to the active chapter and especially to Brian's family for their deep and devastating loss. While at the house today, I witnessed the overwhelming grief that the chapter is feeling due to the loss of Brian. I want the active chapter to feel free to share their thoughts and memories about Brian here.
There will be a memorial service tonight, November 29th, at UM-St. Louis. It will be on the South Campus at 7:00. I will post more details about the exact location as they become available.
If you have pictures that you would like to share, send them to me at Doug@InfinityMortgage.us.
Doug Haldeman
Alpha Phi- '91
I can't even believe what has happened... As I read these posts from the Brothers who knew Brian, I find myself crying. The time I spent as an active member were and still are the absolute best times of my life. Although I am in Texas now, I still get on the Pike website to look at pictures of the parties and rushes.. I will miss the house greatly and I am truly sorry about the loss our Fraternity Brother.
If anyone needs to get in touch with me, I can be reached at 972.921.7733 (cell)
With much sympathy,
John Kleweis
The Brothers of Epsilon Lambda Chapter at Murray State University [Murray, KY]extend to you our most sympathetic regards in memory of Brother Schlittler. Although we did not know Brian, through the great support of your campus, we are sure that he expressed the great and lofty ideals of Pi Kappa Alpha everyday of his life. We wish you peace in this tragic event and success in overcoming this very difficult time in your lives. Please know that the family and friends of Brother Schlittler, the Brothers of Zeta Phi Chapter, and the students and faculty of Missouri-St.Louis are in our thought and prayers.
In the Bonds of Phi Phi Kappa Alpha,
Alumni and Brothers of Epsilon Lambda Chapter
Murray State University
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